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Most common indications of a migraine

Most common indications of a migraine

Migraine headaches are extremely common among men and women all over the world. They are one of the most popular issues that are common in most ER and doctor’s clinics. However, not all headaches are migraine headaches and given below are some of the most common indications that will help you realize whether you are suffering from a migraine or an ordinary headache.
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Common symptoms of migraine

Common symptoms of migraine

Are you bothered by severe headaches from time to time and have no idea how to deal with them? For all you know, you may be a victim of migraines that are extremely common among people across the globe. What is a migraine and what triggers it? A migraine is a headache that occurs due to specific alterations inside your brain.
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How useful is it to have a gluten free diet?

How useful is it to have a gluten free diet?

Gluten is a blend of a variety of proteins that are found in grains like barley, wheat, and rye. Gluten is mainly used for baked goods as it provides texture and chewiness to the baked products. It is also added to soups and broths to make them thicker, and as a protein supplement and flavor enhancer.
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Here’s why gluten-free food could help children with autism

Here’s why gluten-free food could help children with autism

Autism is a long-term or even lifelong developmental disability that basically affects how the patient relates and communicates with the world around him. Parents of children suffering from autism can help them lead a healthy life by providing them a motivational, stress-less, growth-oriented environment to live in. Here are a few tips that could help children suffering from this disease.
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Overview of sciatic nerve pain and ways to get relief from it

Overview of sciatic nerve pain and ways to get relief from it

Incessant nerve pains affect a large percentage of people with diabetes and other health conditions and it is difficult to live with it. Read on to get an idea about nerve pain and how you can get effective nerve pain relief. What are sciatic nerve pains? As you know, our nerve is responsible for carrying the impulses of sensation from the spinal cord or brain and to other body parts.
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Simple but effective home remedies for mucus reduction

Simple but effective home remedies for mucus reduction

When you’re suffering from any kind of cold or flu, there can be an excessive production of mucus in the body. Though mucus doesn’t pose any serious danger, it can cause a lot of inconvenience to the person who is affected by it. Apart from the regular cold and flu, coughing up mucus excessively can also be a result of respiratory infection, sinus, allergies, or smoking.
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The Best Treatment Options For External Hemorrhoids In The Country